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Welcome to


  •   Term Time: Drop-Ins, Youth Groups & Event nights Mondays,  Thursdays​​

  •  Activities:​

    • Walks

    • Fire Pit evenings

    • Camping

    • Games​​

    • Bowling

    • Laser Tag

    • Disc Golf

    • Kayaking

    • Mainland trips

  • Zoom Cooking Together Nov-March

  • Mentoring 1:1 and groups

  • Family Picnics

  • Shorwell Fair

  • Harbour Church, Portsmouth

  • Vibe/ Catalyst YFC

  • Young Leaders Programme

  • Holiday Activities

  • Lakes Summer Residential

Our aim is to give 'Hope and Focus' for the youth and families of South Wight. This encapsulates what we do and are as SWAY. We are passionate about getting young people together, giving them opportunities to grow, work, play and fulfil their potential.


We believe young peoples’ lives can be transformed regardless of their background or circumstances. Our desire is to meet young people where they are, accept them as they are, and to provide events and groups that will build up self-confidence, improve self-worth and empower them to discover their own potential.

Celebrating 10 years of helping our local community.


Youth groups, holiday activities, community events


Mavis, the WightAID mascot helped the team hand over a cheque for £22,860 to SWAY charity

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The King’s Award for Voluntary Service (KAVS) is the highest award given to local volunteering groups in the UK. Equivalent to an MBE, The KAVS is awarded for life.

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Help Fundraising: visit our Donations page

Leanne and the Surprising Christmas:
Peter Johnson has written a third story in his series about Leanne and Simon. It is a festive tale that wraps up the series in a heart-warming way. The book is aimed at young people but can be enjoyed by older ones too. Priced at £6.99 (+ £1.50 with postage): all proceeds will go to SWAY. Click here for sample pages. You can either order your copy on Facebook or email or call the office 07880951243

It's Donation Day, let's celebrate!

South Wight Area Youth Partnership has received 


easyfundraising has paid out over £1.5 million in donations this quarter.

Thank you to all for purchasing this way – you raised that!

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Corf Camp
Fantastic weekend of camping, fire pit, BBQ, Flintstone cart building, creative paint balloons, volley ball, kayaking and orienteering in the beautiful setting of Shalfleet Creek.

Round the Island Race:

Three Men in an 'Folk' Boat

Fundraising for the South Wight Community Hub

Mike Rummel, Charles Egerton-Warburton and John Roberson (aka Rummeliser, Chuck and Robo), sailed Astraea in the Round the Island Race on July 1st, 2023. They have chosen SWAY's Charity Community Hub as a way to give back to the local community.


Follow their adventure here. Visit the JustGiving page to read more and help by making a donation.

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Cook Along Online with family & friends gain handy cooking tips from each other from mashing tomatoes and avocado to dicing onions without crying! Starts again in November.

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Summer  Activities

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ROOTs games

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Princes Trust Games Evening

Countess of Wessex May 2022, Tom &  Andy _MG_2557.jpg

Royal Visit to SWAY to see plans for a South Wight Community Hub:
a vision for the local young people and families. SWAY has plans to provide a place in the heart of the South Wight area. To find out more click here. We will require funds to meet this need . Our Just Giving target is £70,000 which is the shortfall of total costs of £300,000. The Countess of Wessex, Sophie, visited SWAY to look at these exciting plans and will revisit to open the new Hub. To see more photos of her visit visit: Isle of Wight Lieutenancy webpage by clicking here.
To support this exciting project visit:

The Winning Royal Geocaching Team: 

The Colman Family receiving the first prize of a Royal Afternoon Tea for 4 at the Royal Hotel, Ventnor.

'Wow thanks!!  Kids were so was good fun....a bit hilly at times but the kids loved it....nice to explore different areas as a family over the bank holiday.' 

Arreton Downs Wildlife Walk
A guided walk given by Kathy Grogan, Nature Works.
Despite the earlier rain we saw lots of invertebrates from Chalky Blue Butterflies, grasshoppers, ladybirds and hoverflies to slugs.

Headhunters :
36 young people applied team work and strategies to win the flags.

Disc Golf for Rock Solid, ROOTs & Attitude Youth Groups: lots of laughs and searching for discs!


Welcome home to 'Seahorse' after Sailing Fundraiser for SWAY

South Wight Area Youth Partnership (SWAY) welcomes back Susannah Seely and Didi Nicholson after  sailing for 2 months in their 26ft Contessa, Seahorse, 2000 miles around Great Britain raising over £6,000 so far towards SWAY. ’

You can visit their blog  and donate via  

Seahorse back home June 2021.webp

SWAY Feedback Questionnaire

It would be amazing if you could take 3 minutes to complete the online SWAY Questionnaire to feedback your experiences with SWAY. All feedback can be given anonymously.

We will be able to use your feedback to build on SWAY's work. Your answers will also provide invaluable evidence to support SWAY's funding applications in the coming year.

Please click on the link below.


Thank you for your time: your feedback is important to us.


Corf Camp Activity Day of kayaking, plank challenges and raft building team events. BBQ in the sunshine to finish.

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Easter activities on the water at Corf Camp


Geocaching Challenge

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Box Project Cooking Together on Zoom:
The winner of the best photo of a Healthy Korma was awarded to Ed: Congratulations.

SWAY Cottage Pie Cook A Long Nov

Box Project Cooking & Crafts fun on-line

Box Project door step delivery of materials or ingredients ready for the online family activity.


Great tasting food with SWAY's 
Box Project Friday Night Zoom Cook Together.
SWAY cooked Mexican Enchiladas (Chicken and Veggie options) with 10 families cooking along online.

Fire Pit Evenings

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Mountain Biking

Geocache team
Max, Caleb and Eleanor
at Limerstone Down.

Hike at Home Challenge 

The Young People and Friends of SWAY climbed England's tallest mountain from home.

A massive THANK YOU for raising £3482 for SWAY and Isle of Wight Foodbank.



IMPORTANT UPDATE – about our online youth work and link for our new Online Contact Permission Form is available on our Events Page 


Hi everyone, some of our activities take place online.


Please follow us on social media, Facebook and Instagram (Southwightyouth). Send us a message or email us on


Parents – We want to know if you’re happy for us to contact your children through messaging, online video calls and social media.  If so, please could you complete the SWAY Contact Permission Form, click on the Video image button below.




South Wight Area Youth Partnership (SWAY) is a Christian organisation set up on the south side in the Isle of Wight in partnership with Brighstone Benefice and Niton Methodist Church.


"Giving Hope and Focus to the youth & families of South Wight."





Upper Bramstone Farm



PO38 2HG 


Preferred contact by email:



Office: 07880951243

Kathryn Alvis: 07823347618

Olivia Stemmet: 07469511916


Facebook link:

Instagram: @southwightyouth

Charity Number- 1160139

Company Number- 09186090

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