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We have a number of different events throughout the year. Find out more information about them on this page. You can also find all booking forms on this page for all our upcoming events!





Awaiting new Community Hub 2025

At Chale Green


All ages welcome


for more details

or email



Special Activities & Events


Friday, 30th May – Sunday, 1st June SWAY Corf Camp Weekend 

 SWAY young people and their families are invited to the following activities at Corf Scout Campsite: Camping, fire pit evening, BBQ, team building challenges, crafts, volley ball, rounders Newtown Sunday Church Service. Booking required.

Various costs.


Lakes Residential 2025 Year 6 and above Tue 12th to Sat 16th August 2025, returning home on 17th August 2025  5 nights, 6 day trip residential in Brecons coming soon.




Beach BBQ July 2022.jpg

Monday 28th October (Half Term) Cricket Coaching 2pm-4pm at Ventnor Cricket Club - open to Year 6 and above - all ability levels welcome. Free. Please book a place with the SWAY Office stating ability level: beginner/intermediate/experienced: SWAY Office via or the Office mobile 07880951243.


Monday 28th October Coin Counting 6:30pm to 8pm at Niton Methodist Church. Coins are from the Island recycling collection which have been donated to SWAY Charity. Inviting young people and adults to please help, the more the better, as there are thousands of mixed coins to sort and bag. Helpers can come for as long or brief a time as they wish: SWAY are grateful for all help.

Refreshments provided.


Saturday, 2nd November (Half Term) Stepping Out In The Dark:  Night Hike: Approx. a 2 hour walk. Start at 7pm, pick up at approx 9pm. For all SWAY Young People School Years 6 and upwards. Free. Night map reading challenge walking from the site of the new Hub at Chale Green across St Catherine's Down, finishing at Niton Methodist Church. Own transport for drop off and pick up. Please wear boots/trainers, rain jacket, torch, bring your own water bottle and snacks. Book with the SWAY Office via or the Office mobile 07880951243.


Monday 4th November: Rock Solid Youth Group  6:30pm-8pm  (School Years 6 & 7) Term Times only. No need to book. We ask for a £1 donation at each session to subsidise refreshments, equipment and activities:


Thursday 7th November: Roots Youth Group 7pm-8:30pm (School Years 8 and above) Term time only. £1 donation.

Friday, 8th November: Zoom Cook-Along: 5:30pm to 6:30pm. See below for more details


Monday, 11th November  Navy Team Building event replaces a night of Rock Solid. All ages invited from school years 6 and above, including Roots Youth Group and River Project young people.  Free. Held at Niton Methodist Church, Newport Road from  6:30pm - 8pm. Booking with the SWAY Office please.

Saturday, 23rd November SWAY Fundraiser/Coffee Morning Homemade Cakes and bakes, gifts, raffle, games & Refreshments: 10am-12 noon Niton Village Hall, £1 entry. Fundraiser run by Roots Youth Group - Proceeds to SWAY.  We would be grateful if you can help by donating  toys/ gifts/ homemade bakes/prizes  or help on the day. Please contact Catherine Hoare at the SWAY Office


Saturday, 30th November  Poetry Reading Marathon in the Olive Garden, St Mary's Church, Brighstone, Main Rd, PO30 4BB. 9am-7pm  (10 hrs) Sign up through the SWAY Office for a slot to read your favourite poem or your own composition. Come along and be inspired through poetry. A SWAY Fundraising event, celebrating 10 year anniversary. 


If you have not already done so please, find below a link for SWAY's 2024/25 registration Google form for your young person to join SWAY's activities including youth groups, Zoom Cooking and holiday events. We require your permission and up to date contact details.

2024/25 SWAY Youth Activities Permission & Contact Registration Form

If you prefer a hard copy of this registration form, please let me know and we can get one to you.



Christmas and December  Events

1st December Niton Lantern Parade 6pm leaving from Niton Methodist Church

1st December – Special Christmas Worship at 6pm at Harbour Church in Gunwharf, with a meal in Southsea

For School Years 9+ 

 Subsidised travel. More details to follow. Enquires to Catherine at the Office please.

7th and 8th December – Brighstone Christmas Tree Festival – Tree in St Mary's. Directions and shuttle bus venues in Brighstone help on the Saturday and Sunday.

Sun 8th December Stars
of Wonder Concert
St Mary's Brighstone on Sunday at 6pm. Help with refreshments and performing.
Thursday, 19th December – Carol Singing in Niton 5.30 – 7pm finish at Buddle Inn join Niton Carols (No Roots) 
Friday, 20th December – Carol singing in Brighstone 6.30 – 8pm with mince pies and hot drinks.


If you would like more information or to join in, please contact Catherine by email at


Varies from free for carols to Advanced booking Subsidised FastCat Travel for Harbour Church


SWAY Youth Groups

Visit What We Do 

We have weekly term time Youth Groups for different ages.

Mondays: Rock Solid youth group School Year 6 & 7 (ages 10-12 yrs) Niton Methodist Church @ 6:30-8pm. £1 admission
Thursdays: Roots youth group School Year 8+ (ages 12-18yrs) Niton Methodist Church @ 7-8:30pm. No 
booking required.

£1 admission

SWAY Youth Groups held at Niton Methodist Church term time only:

- Roots Thursdays  7pm-8:30pm (School Years 8 and above)

- Rock Solid Mondays  6:30pm to 8pm (School Years  6 & 7)


If you would like to participate please email Catherine on for more info

Register using the link here:

SWAY Youth Group & Activities Permission Contact Form 20224/25

Free or donation £1 per session


Leah apple crumble in action.jpg
Zoom Cook Along


Zoom Cook-Along 5:30pm

Various dates: Alternate Fridays:

 8th November Mushroom Soup & crusty bread

22nd November Lasagne

10th January 2025 Toad in the Hole, gravy & fondant potatoes

24th January Creamy Pasta and Bacon 

7th February

28th February

14th March


A series of 7 cook along sessions organised by Kathryn Alvis (SWAY Youth & Families' Worker). Free main ingredients and delivery to your door.  Each cook-along requires a SWAY young person to cook with an adult. Please email the office to book a place and let us know of any special dietary requirements: 

The Zoom link will be emailed to you on the day.


For all SWAY families.


We will try our best to give options of meat/vegetarian or special dietary requirements.

We request that you please complete SWAY Youth Group & Activities Permission Contact Form 2023/24 to register each young person so that they can join in with our regular activities straight away. Either Please click on the link below or this permission/contact form is available as a hard copy on request. Any queries, please contact Catherine.


SWAY Youth Group & Activities Permission Contact Form 2024/25




Permission, Registration& Feedback Forms 
Contact details are kept confidential. See our Privacy Policy on our Policies webpage

We request that you please complete SWAY Youth Group & Activities Permission Contact Form to register each young person so that they can join in with our regular activities straight away. Please click on the link below or this permission/contact form is available as a hard copy on request. Any queries, please contact Catherine by emailing or texting  the office 07880 951243. 


2024/25 SWAY Youth Activities Permission & Contact Registration Form

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To Book

To book please contact SWAY's email:

Please pay all fees prior to the activity date by internet banking or cash/cheque as requested. SWAY bank details will be sent with your booking confirmation from the SWAY Office.


More Info

If you require additional support in order for you to join an event or for more information call:

SWAY Office Tel: 07880951243

Consent Forms

Consent Forms for activities can be downloaded from this events page.
Also, Contact Online Permission Forms for on-line/zoom events are available: see below. Please carefully read the permission details required for each activity.


We expect the highest standard of respect and courtesy from all our young people. Our priority is  to keep our young people and volunteers safe. Visit our policies page to view our Safeguarding policies.


South Wight Area Youth Partnership (SWAY) is a Christian organisation set up on the south side in the Isle of Wight in partnership with Brighstone Benefice and Niton Methodist Church.


"Giving Hope and Focus to the youth & families of South Wight."





Upper Bramstone Farm



PO38 2HG 


Preferred contact by email:



Office: 07880951243

Kathryn Alvis: 07823347618

Olivia Stemmet: 07469511916


Facebook link:

Instagram: @southwightyouth

Charity Number- 1160139

Company Number- 09186090

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